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​ Echo Aziz Elohi Kathakar

(born Feb 1, 1984, 7:42pm, Lubbock, Texas, USA)


My Biographical Statement


I am the world’s authority on the synthesis of human knowledge systems at large. I am expert in human relationship, intimacy, health, diet, movement, consciousness study, world religion, metaphysics, social and environmental justice, planetary ecology, and reconciliation process. I devoted my life to service and taking the conversation about the planet to the next and needed level, due to our collective crisis. 


I have most often referred to all that I will share online as “Birth and Earth.”  I also call it “Earth’s Story.” Our story shows us how to renew our world. I have been preparing this  since one day in 2007. Starting in 2014 I shared “Birth and Earth” freely in person, to anyone who would come listen, the dates of those gatherings are listed here. Now after 17 years of preparation to speak online globally.


Along my adult path, I have received male support from two great men. I was mentored by "Papa" Ron, from age 19 until 35. Ron and I went camping together in the desert, took his inner-city at risk youth backpacking, and we met weekly for years. I sat with Nathaji in regards to my spiritual growth, meditation, spiritual life, advanced non-dual philosophy, and service to God, from 2014 until 2020. Ron and Nathaji’s gift to me is indescribable. 


To prepare for my online content: 


I studied the leading edge of whole planet thought, with Richard Tarnas, the other faculty and community, of the Philosophy Cosmology Consciousness and Integral Ecology Program (PCC), at the California Institute of Integral Studies (Masters degree, Philosophy, 2013) in San Francisco. The PCC faculty are the leading thinkers and teachers of whole planet knowledge systems and the leading edge of western philosophy. The big insight about Planet Earth for me during my last semester in class with Stan Grof. I left the PCC community to do what I consider that to be my own expression of independent PhD, where I refined the synthesis of human knowledge systems at large to synthesize everything known about Planet Earth and the human condition. I did this on my home, my small sailboat. In 2014 I offered to share publicly what I discovered for the first time, in Berkeley California in a small building on Adeline Street. I opted to share freely with anyone who would show up in person up to the present day.   

Other information about it, is that I have been a technical wilderness guide trainer, kids camp director, youth/college student mentor, hospice bereavement therapist, volunteer for social justice and environmental restoration projects, native wood flute spiritual musician, tribal dancer, movement practitioner, yogi, academic/scholar, and student of world religion (I began studying world religion in Junior High). A particular gift of mine is with children, I am something of a "whisperer" with kids, able to evoke deep safety, magic, curiosity, play, and the child's deep inner spark, quite quickly. I worked over a decade with kids in near every setting kid can be found: residential group homes, schools, camps, hospice, play therapy, nature-based school, family retreats, wilderness adventure, private homes, and more. Working with kids was mostly my teenage years and 20’s. I also lead a 2 yearlong nature based coming of age rites of passage group with his co-leader Skylar Wilson (2014). I was a mystery school student "passion for the possible" student of Dr. Jean Houston (2010). I did a psychology/counseling Master’s Degree in San Diego (Azusa Pacific University, 2011). As previously mentioned, I studied Western Philosophy/Whole Planet Thought/Spiritual Psychology/Ecology as student of Richard Tarnas, Sean Kelly, Brian Swimme, Stan Grof, and Joanna Macy at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco (M.A., Philosophy Cosmology Consciousness Integral Ecology, 2013). I independently studied human knowledge systems at large, in a vast and broad depth, synthesizing the world's most advanced knowledge systems and bodies of wisdom. For a year, I studied everything the world on the subject of physical human birth, including sitting with mothers, as they shared birth stories, to "listen consciously" to Earth's Story embodied as Birthing Mother. I conducted an advanced and complex review the entire lifework of Jose Arguela and the nature of time (the most advanced and bizarre calendar system to exist). I studied cutting edge thought and cosmologies of Embryogenesis Cosmology from Richard Grossinger. I studied anthropology, geology, archeology, religion, looking back at Earth’s deep past. I studied the Human Design System of Ra Uru Hu. I did my permaculture design course with master permaculture pioneer Toby Hemmingway. I am deeply fond of Chinese Medicine, Taoist knowledge, Qigong, and Ayurveda, showing me how health, the bodies energy, organs, chakras, seasons, elements, plants, animals of earth all work, and are not separate. I have studied and practiced western astrology 10 years. I’ve studied Eros, Human Sexuality, Intimacy, and Dating, from endless cutting-edge teachers. I vastly studied, practiced, and lived the cultivation/knowledge of “kundalini” (many years regularly sitting with Swami Nathaji). I studied both ancient and modern "non-duality" (in particular Kashmir Shavism of Abhinavagupta) recognized as the most sophisticated historical non-dual philosophical system to have exist. Swami Nathaji, my former teacher, is recognized lineage holder of ancient Kashmir Shavism. In 2013 I found my instrument maker Swampfox, and began to play native American flute. I took a few seasons to explore transformational festivals, including Burning Man in 2013, which were in fact profoundly transformation in experiencing the pure human spirit I did not otherwise know was possible. I have studied all things related such as restorative justice and the reconciliation process, social and environmental justice, -without end-. I took a course at CIIS in restorative justice. I could and would, if asked, facilitate restorative justice process, for anyone or any people group planet wide, for anything no matter how deep or dark the problem. I studied/practiced movement from the lens of Contact Improvisation Dance and Axis Syllabus of Frey Faust. I’ve studied/practice ongoing walking/long running biomechanics, long distance running, strength training, physical therapy, functional movement, animal/primal movement, yogic asana. I worked with network spinal analysis. I am part of the Ecstatic Dance Oakland Tribe. I was a qigong student of the former head master of the Shaolin Temple in China, Master Shi Yong Yao. I learned advanced sound healing qigong from Taoist Mingtong Gu, and sat tea ceremony with Master Wang. I have studied and extensively practiced pranayama and breathing wellness, and meditation. I have been training/rewilding "barefoot" for 7 plus years. I have water structuring practice. I conducted a vast, in-depth survey of the endemic phenomena of altering the genitals of children (male and female circumcision and mutilation), and I can authoritatively navigate the extremely culturally loaded complex and sensitive subject matter. I hold awareness, and have studied everything possible on the many complex aspects to the global water crisis, soil crisis, pollution crisis. Most recently I have studied the art and science of fasting and metabolic health and the foundational and endemic metabolic health crisis planet wide. 


Hardship came for me via a long-term perpetual "indescribable rock bottom", spiritual darkness, serious and unique health challenges. Further I experienced long term total financial poverty, caught between the absolute necessity of working on this project which demanded my full life force, yet without any funding whatsoever to do so. This required a deep and profound subsequent devotion into long term healing, moment by moment, day by day. It was the most amazing people I can imagine around me, and the most amazing holistic healing modalities, and human connection, that moved me through my severe suffering and hardship. 


​In 2021 I let go of my given/legal name, and took on my new name Echo Aziz Elohi Kathakar. In short, it means Earth Story Teller, Citizen of Earth, Every member of Humanity is my Family. 


​In Summary, at this point in time after over 17 years in behind the scenes preparation, I hold an informed and unparalleled authoritative clarity and context, about Planet Earth, and hence clarity in the path forward. 


In Service,



(photos: Me and Ron. The boat where "Birth and Earth" was made.)











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